Volunteer with Us

Applications will be accepted from April 1st-10th. Check back at that time to apply

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us!

We simply could not help all these animals without the support of volunteers! Whether you’re interested in hands-on work with the animals, or if you’re interested in working local events or maybe even behind the scenes on fundraisers, we have something for you!

New Procedures:

  • We are requiring a 4-month commitment with a minimum of 3 hours per month (see below for specific months)
  • There is now a minimum age of 7 years old for volunteers. If you are under 16 years old, you still must have someone that is over 18 years old with you while volunteering. 
  • If you are over 16 years old and require assistance from another adult to volunteer, please contact us about accommodations. 
  • We do not schedule volunteer groups for dog walking and cat socializing. Groups may attend our pre-planned volunteer events or projects.

Time Commitment

The 4-month commitments are as listed.

Volunteers must complete an orientation before coming in to walk dogs or socialize cats. Orientation dates will be announced after the application submission time frame listed.


Our January-April Session. Volunteer applications due December 1st-10th


Our May-August Session. Volunteer applications due April 1st-10th


Our September-December Session. Volunteer applications due August 1st-10th

One Time Volunteers

If the 4-month commitment doesn’t work with your schedule, we are offering planned one-time volunteer events for cat socializing, dog walking, or to work on fun projects such as dog treat making and cat blanket tying. Let us know if this works better for you and your schedule and we will put you on an email list to be notified about these future events! If you have any questions or would like additional details, please send an email to info@rbhspets.org!


We need volunteers for events like parades, Trunk or Treat, Fall Fest and fundraisers like the Spaghetti Dinner.


Protecting animals by providing shelter, promoting adoption & responsible pet ownership, and preventing animal overpopulation.

At the Shelter

We need volunteers to help with a variety of tasks including walking dogs, socializing animals, washing dishes, doing laundry, preparing Kongs and more.

Volunteer Application

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please check your area(s) of interest for volunteer work
By typing your name here, you are digitally signing this form.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
* REQUIRED IF VOLUNTEER IS UNDER 18 YEARS OLD. By typing your name here, you are digitally signing this form.
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Community Service Information

Please provide the following information for all court ordered community service hours. The shelter manager will then follow up with approving your service needs and scheduling the hours.
Probation Officer Name(Required)


All community service hours are fulfilled from 8am – 10am, 7 days a week and can be expanded on with management approval. 

Attendance is crucial and any no call/no shows for schedule time will not be allowed to count any future work service hours toward their time.

The shelter manager will follow up with scheduling an orientation and the work schedule once the probation officer has been contacted.

Please call 651-388-5286 and ask for the shelter manager if there are any questions

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